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The Metro at Playa Vista

Client: West Millennium Homes

Location: Playa Vista, Ca

Landscape Architect:


A splashy neighborhood by the wetlands.  Playa Vista is home to commercial and residential properties. It's also home to the Balona Creek wetlands. We worked on many projects within this technologically-and-ecologically advanced community. In this case, it was Metro, an upscale art deco multifamily residential neighborhood adjacent to the wetlands. Our job was to help create breathtaking courtyards and a pool setting that blended into the picturesque natural surroundings.


This project brought several special considerations (not the least of which was working in close proximity to wetlands). The courtyards required a crane to lift specimens and palm trees up over the building. We utilized a special blend of soil and drip irrigation that used reclaimed water. And finally, the pool deck was designed to be an extension of the wetlands beyond. Large pottery pieces and graceful palm trees helped to enhance the views without blocking them. The pool deck quickly became a natural wetland habitat for resident relaxation.