American Landscape is a full-service construction company. We carry landscaping, engineering and building contractor licenses, which gives us a unique advantage. It allows us to perform total site development as a general contractor, in addition to landscape planting, irrigation installation, rough and finish grading, area drainage and erosion control. Our projects include residential, industrial and commercial endeavors, as well as public works. We are enrolled in e-verify for employment eligibility, and can ensure that our manpower meets the highest standards of scrutiny.  We are well experienced with some of the more complicated aspects of State and Federally funded jobs, such as: State and Federal prevailing wage requirements, certified payroll, PLA (project labor agreement) requirements and Labor Compliance, and related documentation.

Services we provide are:

• Implementation of erosion control plans

• Implementation of storm water pollution and prevention plans (SWPPPs)

• Sandbag manufacture, supply and installation

• Straw wattle installation

• Concrete washout installation and maintenance

• Catch basin protection and maintenance

• Hydroseeding and dust control

• Slope stabilization – jute, blankets, matting, mulching, bfm

• 24 hour emergency response

• Weed abatement and site maintenance

• Fire clearing